Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Perang II


Azan maghrib 1 Syawal dan laungan takbir raya menandakan bermulanya sebuah perang. Peperangan bani adam terhadap hawa nafsu, syaitan dan bala tenteranya. Gencatan senjata selama sebulan memberi ruang dan peluang kepada umat Islam mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi perang yang panjang; selama 11 bulan seterusnya. Juga memberi kesempatan kepada syaitan dan konco-konconya merangka strategi yang lebih efektif.

Perang kali ini tentu tak semudah melawan hawa nafsu yang sendirian ketika Ramadhan. Syaitan tentu telah menyediakan perancangan dan strategi yang rapi. Tempoh sebulan dirantai tentu saja membuatnya lebih bertenaga untuk menyesatkan anak Adam.

(Iblis) menjawab, "Kerana Engkau telah menyesatkan aku, pasti aku akan selalu menghalangi mereka dari jalanMu yang lurus. Kemudian pasti aku akan mendatangi mereka dari depan, dari belakang, dari kanan dan dari kiri mereka. Dan Engkau tidak akan mendapati kebanyakan mereka bersyukur." (7:16-17)

Apa yang lebih menakutkan ialah syaitan dan bala tenteranya "very well-equipped"- lengkap!

Sesungguhnya dia (syaitan) dan tenteranya dapat melihat kamu dari suatu tempat yang kamu tidak bisa melihat mereka. Sesungguhnya Kami telah menjadikan syaitan-syaitan itu pemimpin bagi orang-orang yang tidak beriman. (7:27)

Ia (iblis) berkata, "Tuhanku, oleh kerana Engkau telah memutuskan bahawa aku sesat, aku pasti akan jadikan (kejahatan) terasa indah bagi mereka di bumi dan aku akan menyesatkan mereka semuanya. (15:39)

Apakah persiapan kita telah benar-benar ampuh untuk menghadapi peperangan panjang melawan musuh yang licik ini?

...aku (iblis) akan menyesatkan mereka semuanya, kecuali hamba-hambaMu yang terpilih (mukhlasin) di antara mereka." (15:39-40)

(Iblis) menjawab, "Demi kemuliaanMu, pasti aku akan menyesatkan mereka semuanya, kecuali hamba-hambaMu yang terpilih (mukhlasin) di antara mereka." (38:82-83)



Kuchiyose no jutsu! Habis dah...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Perang (Part I)


Dalam peperangan, persediaan sangat penting. Tempoh peperangan sangat relatif, boleh jadi sangat singkat dan boleh jadi sangat panjang. Apabila peperangan dah bermula, tiada lagi masa untuk membuat persediaan. Musuh telah berada di hadapan, maka terpaksa maju merempuh takdir: mati atau menang.

Dan persiapkanlah dengan segala kemampuan untuk menghadapi mereka dengan kekuatan yang kamu miliki dan dari pasukan berkuda yang dapat menggentarkan musuh Allah, musuhmu dan orang-orang selain mereka yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya, tetapi Allah mengetahuinya. (8:60)

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu dan kuatkanlah kesabaranmu dan tetaplah bersiap-siaga (di perbatasan negerimu) dan bertakwalah kepada Allah agar kamu beruntung. (3:200)

Dalam sejarah peperangan Islam, musuh-musuh Islam selalu mendahului umat Islam dari segi jumlah tentera, kelengkapan perang dan kelebihan fizikal yang lain. Ini seringkali menggentarkan hati para pejuang Islam. Namun, keimanan dan tawakkal kepada Allah menenangkan kembali hati para mujahidin.

(Ingatlah), ketika kamu memohon pertolongan kepada Tuhanmu, lalu diperkenankanNya bagimu, "Sungguh, Aku akan mendatangkan bala bantuan kepadamu dengan seribu malaikat yang datang berturut-turut. (8:9)

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Apabila kamu bertemu pasukan (musuh), maka berteguh hatilah dan sebutlah (nama) Allah banyak-banyak (berzikir dan berdoa) agar kamu beruntung. Dan taatilah Allah dan RasulNya dan janganlah kamu berselisih yang menyebabkan kamu menjadi gentar dan kekuatanmu hilang dan bersabarlah. Sungguh, Allah beserta orang-orang sabar. (8:45-46)

Maka, jika di antara kamu ada seratus orang yang sabar, nescaya mereka dapat mengalahkan dua ratus orang (musuh); dan jika di antara kamu ada seribu orang (yang sabar), nescaya mereka dapat mengalahkan dua ribu orang dengan seizin Allah. Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar. (8:66)

Medan Badar, Bukit Uhud, Parit Ahzab, Benteng Khaibar, Medan Yarmouk, Mu'tah, Ain Jalut dan Hittin menjadi saksi bahawa persediaan iman diirinigi dengan persediaan fizikal merupakan kunci kejayaan umat Islam. Hanya ketika keimanan dan pengharapan tulus murni kepada Allah, maka turunlah nusrah - pertolongan - daripadaNya.

Sungguh, Allah telah menolong kamu (mukminin) di banyak medan perang dan (ingatlah) Perang Hunain ketika jumlahmu yang besar itu membanggakan kamu, tetapi (jumlah yang banyak itu) sama sekali tidak berguna bagimu dan bumi yang luas terasa sempit bagimu, kemudian kamu berbalik ke belakang dan lari tunggang-langgang. Kemudian Allah menurunkan ketenangan kepada RasulNya dan kepada orang-orang yang beriman dan Dia menurunkan bala tentera (para malaikat) yang tidak terlihat olehmu dan Dia menimpakan azab kepada orang-orang kafir. Itulah balasan bagi orang-orang kafir. (9:25-26)


Bersambung Part II...

Kuchiyose no jutsu! Habis dah...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kek Coklat


p/s HD - sila open kat youtube. Klik sini

"benda takkan jadi kalau kau tak MULA buat"

Kuchiyose no jutsu! Habis dah...

Friday, September 17, 2010



Btw, tak salah kot untuk aku cakap, aku rasa 29 Ramadhan hari tu lailatul qadar kot. Sebab mengikut hadis-hadis yang menceritakan pasal tanda-tanda lailatul qadar, suasana hari tu memang bertepatan dengan maksud hadis. Sepanjang perjalanan balik dari Arau sampaila ke Taiping aku nampak tanda-tanda tu. Subhanallah, happy giler time tu...

Ok, bulan Ramadhan 1431H dah lepas. Tak guna nak regret apa-apa dah. Target tercapai atau tak, benda dah lepas tak boleh nak reverse dah. Allah dah tetapkan itu je untuk kita. Alhamdulillah, syukurlah, at least dapat kita sempurnakan Ramadhan kali ni untuk merebut peluang dan ganjaran hebat yang ditawarkan. Itupun kalau rebutlah kan, kalau tak...lu pikirla sendiri!

Perasan tak? Bulan Ramadhan senang giler nak focus untuk ibadah kan? Orang yang addicted kepada internet i.e. facebook, ym, blog etc pun boleh berhenti jap untuk fokus kepada memperbanyak tilawah al-Quran, tadabbur, iktikaf, berdoa etc. Masa bulan Ramadhan terasa diri sangat 'terjaga' sampai ter'usha' akhawat pun boleh terus istighfar. Apatah lagi kalau tengok awek free-hair, terus istighfar, tasbih, tahmid, tahlil, takbir segala bagai. Jaga betul hati supaya tak buat maksiat. Al-maklumla bulan puasa, takut kurang pula pahala puasa. Ustaz kata, ada orang puasa tapi hanya dapat lapar dan dahaga. Sebab apa? Mata tak jaga, lidah tak jaga, hati tak jaga etc. Sebab tu la pahala puasa berkurang.

Tapi masa bulan Ramadhan semuanya jadi mudah. Haaa, mungkin sebab syaitan kena rantai kot. So, hawa nafsu tak cukup kuat untuk melawan. Partner dia mc. Ikutkan, syaitan ni just jadi pendorong je supaya manusia buat jahat, the rest hawa nafsu yang buat. Kalahlah hawa nafsu di bulan yang mulia dek kerana manusia begitu bermujahadah melawannya Tapi ada jugak yang kalah...

Akhirnya, selepas sebulan masa yang ditunggu-tunggu pun tiba. Pengumuman hari raya oleh penyimpan mohor besar raja-raja (errr...tak ingat nama). Tercongohla depan tv nak tau bila boleh raya. Syaitan pun tak sabar untuk merdeka. Alih-alih esok kena puasa lagi. Raya hari jumaat la. Owh, sempat buat lemang. Then, raya pun disambut dengan riang gembira. Minta ampun mintak maaf semua, pergi beraya sini sana, makan tak ingat dunia, semua dibantainya. Hawa nafsu win!

You see...how drastic it could be. I don't make any generalization but it occurs to most of us. Itu just satu contoh: makan. Ada banyak lagi, fikirla sendiri.

Ada satu persamaan matematik yang membuat pening semua mathematicians. Kenapa 30+6=365? It's not a super-synergy but it's a reward. Everyone can have it. Tapi berada di negara 'food-heaven' macam Malaysia ni memang payah la. Almost everyday ada open house. Tak pergi, tak boleh. Dah pergi, tak boleh jugak. Tak boleh tak makan.

Ada benda yang lebih merisaukan...

Kerja keras selama 30 hari boleh musnah dalam masa beberapa hari jer... (more or less than days)

Wallahu a'lam

Kuchiyose no jutsu! Habis dah...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Perutusan Syawal (Edisi lambat sket)


Di kesempatan ini, saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya 'aidil fitri kepada para pembaca blog ibnuyazid. Minal 'Aidin wal Faiziin. Taqaballahu minna wa minkum, insyaAllah.

Saya juga ingin memohon maaf zahir dan batin jika ada tulisan-tulisan saya yang mengguris hati dan perasaan para pembaca sekalian.

Akhir kalam,

Daun selasih, daun keladi
Terima kasih, datanglah lagi (datang ziarah blog la ye, dah takde kat rumah)

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullah wa barokatuh

Kuchiyose no jutsu! Habis dah...

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Jose Mourinho


Hari tu masa nak punch out, terbaca sesuatu kat papan kenyataan berdekatan ofis pegawai sains. Bagi peminat bolasepak macam aku ni (tak la minat sangat pun), tengok pic Mourinho pun boleh jadi 'tersangkut' untuk baca cerita dia. Dan siapa je yang minat bolasepak terutama EPL dan Champions League mesti kenal bekas coach/pengurus pasukan Porto, Chelsea, Inter dan sekarang ni Real Madrid. Sangat menarik untuk aku kongsikan kat blog ni terutama apabila ianya sangat berguna untuk diaplikasikan dalam kerja dakwah yang sedang kita lakukan sekarang. Nah, aku copy and paste jela.

“Ferguson is right. Money does not guarantee success. I showed that last season when my Porto team beat Manchester United. It’s all about leadership.” – Jose Mourinho

DURING the recent World Cup, I studied the work of leadership guru cum hostage negotiator George Kohlrieser on high performance teams.

As the new football season kicked off, I started to think about high performance sports teams. And immediately, one name comes to mind – José Mário dos Santos Félix Mourinho.

Jose Mourinho has built three high performance teams in the past few years. The moment he takes over the team, they quickly gel, start to perform and win trophies. How does Mourinho do it?

When Mourinho was asked what the secret to his success was, he humbly responded: “I pray a lot. I believe in God. I try to be a good man so He can have a bit of time to give me a hand when I need it.”

Mourinho may pray a lot but so do other coaches. Mourinho is probably the only coach who has a PhD, earning it from Lisbon’s Technical University.

But praying or having a PhD does not explain how he seamlessly builds high performance teams?

Let’s explore this paradoxical man. Mourinho, with his trademark Armani suit, is called crazy by some and genius by others. Despot and kind. Godly and arrogant. Loved and hated.

Yet, regardless of which team one supports, everyone, including women, has high respect for “The Special One”.

In fact, when Mourinho left his old club Chelsea, his archrivals Sir Alex Ferguson and Arsene Wenger moaned his departure.

Even British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was sad.

In a recent AOS survey, Mourinho topped a poll of celebrities that most office workers would want as their boss.

He won the poll convincingly beating Richard Branson, Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Jamie Oliver and others.

For corporate employees, Mourinho is the “Chosen One”, someone they secretly wish would transform their workplace.

So how does Mourinho keep creating these high performance teams?

According to Kohlrieser in his book Hostage at the Table, there are eight key pillars to high performance leadership:

1) Leading from the mind’s eye – the power of focus;

2) Cycle of bonding – motivation, inspiration, resilience;

3) Leader as secure base – creating trust to drive change;

4) Conflict resolution – resolving differences;

5) Power of dialogue – building bridges with common understandings;

6) High impact negotiation – influencing and persuading;

7) Leveraging strengths – team self-awareness; and

8) Managing emotions – creating high energy.

Leading from the mind’s eye

Mourinho wanted to be a professional football player like his father Felix. But he was so untalented that it ended in embarrassing failure when he was not even allowed on the field.

Mourinho quit football and went to business school. But after just a day, he quit and enrolled in a sports science course, deciding to become the world’s greatest coach instead. And since that day he has kept his mind’s eye focused on being the best coach in the world.

At Porto, Chelsea, Inter Milan and now Real Madrid, Mourinho’s mind’s eye keeps him focused on winning. Even in defeat, he refuses to take the role of loser.

Every team he has managed quickly bounces back from losses because their leader has his mind’s eye fixated on nothing but success.

“It’s no fluke that after a defeat, Inter gets straight back on its feet. That’s all thanks to Mourinho,” claims Diego Milito, an Inter Milan star. In fact, winning is so engraved as Mourinho expresses: “I love players who love to win. They not only win in 90 minutes, but every day, every training session, in every moment of their lives”.

The entire team’s mind’s eye is focused on winning.

Cycle of bonding

Mourinho creates bonds with every single player in his team and personally knows each of them. Mourinho is known for his great “rapport” with his players.

He knows each player intimately and knows which button to press for each player. Some say Mourinho is avuncular and caring, while others say he is an intimidating tyrant.

Neither is true. He simply worked out how to use differing training methods for each player. “His training sessions are spectacular,” says Ronaldo. “They have great intensity but we don’t feel tired because we are extremely motivated.”

Every team Mourinho coaches, bonds like a family. Mourinho adds: “You must create a positive atmosphere and make everyone feel part of the group. In this club, if you go to the barrier, the man at the door feels part of the group and success. The people who work in the kitchen feel part of this family. And I’m one of them.”

Leaders as secure base

Research shows that teams perform best when their leader is a secure base. Mourinho was a coach, friend and secure base to all his players wherever he went. Even with personal issues, he was highly visible and accessible to all players.

The day Mourinho bid farewell to his Chelsea players, there was tears everywhere. He knew them all including their wives and kids and mentioned each one during his three hour farewell.

Inter’s Milito says: “There is no coach like him when it comes to sticking his neck out and defending everyone, that way reducing the tension within the team when things aren’t going well.”

Mourinho is the players’ secure base. Frank Lampard attests of Mourinho: “I love him as a man and as a manager.”

Conflict resolution

All high performance teams are faced with conflict. According to Kohlrieser, high performance teams “put the fish on the table”. By putting the “smelly fish”, or conflict on the table, there is opportunity for everyone to see these issues and work to its resolution.

Mourinho does similarly by constantly delivering feedback and performance assessments to each player. Some players may not like having the “fish on the table”. Joe Cole once received some stinging feedback but took it under his chin and started performing.

Power of dialogue and language

When Mourinho went to Italy, he said: “I studied Italian five hours a day for many months to ensure I could communicate with the players, media and fans.”

It is said that Mourinho speaks 17 languages. He uses the power of dialogue and language to build common understanding of the clear goals he has set for his team.

A self-confessed fan of Ferguson, Mourinho not only became Ferguson’s close friend but great rival. Their bond and dialogue enabled two strong-willed men to build a friendship in spite of their rivalry. Mourinho uses dialogue and language to ensure every single player on his team has similar friendships with him and clear understanding of the end goal.

High impact negotiation

In March 2007, Chelsea was being outclassed in the first half of a Champion League game losing 1-0. A few minutes before half-time, Mourinho angrily storms out.

Chelsea came out of the dressing room a completely new team, winning the game. This happened numerous times throughout Mourinho’s career. Why does his half-time talk always work? He does not yell, he does not scream but he negotiates and influences his players to change.

“I asked the players to enjoy the situation,” Mourinho said of one of his half-time talks. “We had 45 minutes to change things, and I asked them ‘are you scared of it or are you going to enjoy it?’ Psychologically, I just made the players think a little bit.”

According to sports psychologist Andy Barton: “Mourinho will always look to turn a negative into a positive. If a team is 3-0 down at half time and the manager starts screaming about all the mistakes made, it doesn’t help. Instead he’ll focus on things they are doing right, and then tell them how they can turn the game around.”

Mourinho is very specific about what is required to win and influences his players to build a mental image of what is needed.

He spends significant amount of time preparing each player differently for games. He influences and persuades big stars to train and conform to his team patterns.

He treats them all as equals.

Leveraging strengths

Mourinho is a man who knows his strengths and limitations. He once said: “If Roman Abramovich helped me out in training we would be bottom of the league and if I had to work in his world of big business, we would be bankrupt!”

Mourinho understood what he was good at and what each member of his team was capable off. He worked within the strengths of his team and gets the best of each individual. Jim Collins, in his book Good to Great,talks about how great leaders build great teams by “getting the right people on the bus.”

Mourinho has trusted lieutenants that he brings into every team he manages. One of them is fitness coach Rui Faria, who has been with him at every club.

When Faria was asked what Mourinho’s secret was, he responded: “Every other top coach says they work hard and they prepare better than anyone else, but they can’t make what Mourinho does. Everything he does is better. He works harder than anyone else. He knows everything about every player and every game.”

Mourinho knows every single player’s strengths and weaknesses. He knows how to leverage their strengths fully as a team and minimise their weaknesses. And every single player knows each other’s strengths and this team self-awareness is the difference between Mourinho and other top coaches.

Mourinho himself displays great personal self-awareness when he quit football to focus on coaching. This “quitting” is termed the hedgehog principle by Collins.

It is simply to be very clear about what drives you and what you can be genuinely great at, and then relentlessly focus on that.

How many of us persist with things we know deep down, are not going to lead us to success? How many organisations persist on doing things the same way?

Insanity is doing the same thing but expecting different results. Once, Mourinho was termed insane for making three substitutions in the first half of a game he was losing. Mourinho was just addressing the brutal reality of a situation.

Mourinho learnt quickly that there is no relationship whatsoever between functional expertise and managerial ability.

Managing emotions

“Players don’t win you trophies, teams win trophies, squads win trophies,” rants Mourinho daily. But Mourinho does much more than build teams. He builds leaders in each team he manages. At Chelsea, more than half his first team became captains of their national team.

To ensure you build high performance teams, you need to grow leaders. Leadership is needed in every part of your team. You cannot be a giant surrounded by midgets.

When Mourinho arrived at Chelsea there were no stars – he fashioned them. John Terry and Frank Lampard were good players he turned into world class.

He says: “You must work hard and work well. Many people work hard, but not well. You must create good leadership with the players, which is an accepted leadership, not leadership by power or status.”

If we look at back at our careers, most will admit that the period we developed the most was when a manager pushed us to our limit.

Mourinho, more than anyone else, believes in pushing a person to their limits, enabling his team to constantly move out of their comfort zone and into a courage zone.

Final thoughts

That is the lesson of Mourinho. We need special ones. We need leaders like Mourinho who have their mind’s eye focused. “The thing about Mourinho is that you don’t know what he’s going to do next but whatever it is, it will be because he thinks it is beneficial to the team,” says Barton.

Mourinho built numerous high performance teams being an authentic leader through the power of bonding. He worked hard and had thorough forensic preparation for each match but his unique relationship with his players, and his relentless focus made the difference. What are you doing to build high performance teams?

Semoga bermanfaat! (^_^)v

Kuchiyose no jutsu! Habis dah...
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