Kenapa ye? Soalan ni sungguh mudah untuk dijawab oleh sesiapa pun. Lagi mudah dari soalan exam math no. 7 masa aku matrikulasi dulu. Soalan yang buat ramai budak menangis. Aku tak. :-)
Kenapa Allah menciptakan kita kat atas dunia ni?
Aku melihat dokumentari bertajuk "The Truth of the Life in This World" yang aku download daripada Pada permulaan dokumentari tu, diceritakan tentang betapa saintis-saintis mengalami masalah dalam menentukan berapa besarkah alam yang kita diami ini. Apa yang mereka boleh anggarkan adalah alam semesta ini mengandungi 300 bilion galaksi. Galaksi yang kita berada di dalamnya sekarang adalah galaksi Milky Way yang mana mungkin antara galaksi terkecil di alam semesta. Di dalam Milky Way sahaja terdapat 250 bilion bintang yang cantik berselerak di atas langit sana. Salah satu bintang itu adalah matahari yang 24 jam menyinari dan membekalkan tenaga ke Planet Bumi yang manusia sedang berebut-rebut untuk menguasainya. Matahari pula adalah bintang yang paling kecil di dalam galaksi kita ini. Kalau nak hitung, bintang-bintang kat langit tu lagi banyak dari semua pasir yang ada kat muka bumi ni. Matahari tu salah sebutir pasir je. Bumi? Jadi, dapat tak gambarkan berapa besar alam semesta ni? Patutla dalam Al-Quran selalu Allah SWT suruh kita perhatikan tanda-tanda kebesaranNya di langit dan di Bumi.
"Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, dan pergantian malam dan siang terdapat tanda-tanda (kebesaran Allah) bagi orang yang berakal. (iaitu) orang-orang yang mengingat Allah sambil berdiri, duduk atau dalam keadaan berbaring dan mereka memikirkan tentang penciptaan langit dan bumi (seraya berkata), "Ya Tuhan kami, tidaklah Engkau menciptakan semua ini sia-sia, Mahasuci Engkau, lindungilah kami dari azab neraka."
(QS 'Ali-Imran:190-191)
(QS 'Ali-Imran:190-191)
Kenapa Allah menciptakan manusia? Lepas tu Allah bagitau manusia adalah sebaik-baik kejadian. Mana lagi complex? Manusia ke langit? Jadi, mesti ada tujuannya Allah menciptakan kita kan? Pada permulaan penciptaan manusia, Allah taala berfirman kepada malaikat-malaikatNya,
"Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para malaikat, "Aku hendak menjadikan khalifah di bumi"
(QS Al-Baqarah:30)
(QS Al-Baqarah:30)
Kemudian Allah mengingatkan kita lagi dalam firmanNya dalam surah Adz-Dzariyaat ayat ke 56;
Begitulah tujuan penciptaan kita (manusia) di atas muka bumi ini. Untuk menjelaskan lagi dua tujuan penciptaan ini, aku merujuk kepada buku Ethical Viewpoint of Islam yang ditulis oleh Syeikh Abul A'la Al-Maududi. Aku ringkaskan sikit.
"Islam tells us clearly that the status of man in this world is that of an 'Abd (God's servant and slave) who is also Khalifat-ul Allah (Allah's deputy and vicegerent). All things in the world with which he comes in contact belong to God. Even his own body and the capacities with which he is endowed are not in fact his own but are a trust from the Lord.
God has appointed him as His vicegerent giving him the power to use these objects for his benefit. And in this lies his test and trial. The final result of this test will not be declared in this world but only at the time when individuals and nations and, indeed, the whole of mankind shall have finished their career on the earth and the consequences and effects of their actions and strivings shall have become fully manifest. It is then that God will examine the account of each human being and will decide as to who has duly carried out the duties of His stewardship and who has not. And this examination will not be confined to any one thing or one department of life, but will cover the entire range of a person's individual and social conduct. It will be an examination of all the faculties of his mind and body which he has been endowed and also of every kind of authority and power over external objects which has been delegated to him.
This being man's real position in the world, it logically follows that he is not the master but the agent and the deputy. His power and authority are bound to be limited. Sovereignty belongs to God alone; man is His vicegerent and the only moral course open to him is to fulfill the task which the Sovereign has assigned to him. He is not totally free to determine his own behaviour. Man has no absolute right to determine the course of his own conduct. Man's job is to faithfully and scrupulously pursue the mission assigned to him. Creator is the law-giver; man has to act within that framework which the Sovereign has laid for him. Once this position is accepted and the nature of God-man relationship is clearly understood, all ethical questions which have been agitating the minds of philosophers from time immemorial, find appropriate solutions. These solutions are clear, precise and definite. And they are based on reality. They are universal and eternal."
Sebenarnya, dalam Islam, skop ibadah sangat luas, bukan hanya terhenti pada ibadah-ibadah wajib sahaja seperti yang difahami oleh ramai orang sekarang ini. Seluruh kehidupan kita adalah dalam rangka ibadah selagimana ianya menepati dua syarat iaitu niat ikhlas kerana Allah dan menepati syariat atau fiqh atau lebih tepat, seperti yang diajarkan oleh rasulullah saw. Manakala tugas khalifah pula adalah 'iqamatuddeen (menegakkan agama) dan siyasatuddunya (mentadbir alam) ini. Bagaimana hendak menegakkan agama? Menegakkan agama adalah dengan cara "mensyukuri" nikmat Islam yang telah dianugerahkan Allah kepada kita.
"Dan Aku tidak menjadikan jin dan manusia melainkan untuk beribadah kepadaKu"
Begitulah tujuan penciptaan kita (manusia) di atas muka bumi ini. Untuk menjelaskan lagi dua tujuan penciptaan ini, aku merujuk kepada buku Ethical Viewpoint of Islam yang ditulis oleh Syeikh Abul A'la Al-Maududi. Aku ringkaskan sikit.
"Islam tells us clearly that the status of man in this world is that of an 'Abd (God's servant and slave) who is also Khalifat-ul Allah (Allah's deputy and vicegerent). All things in the world with which he comes in contact belong to God. Even his own body and the capacities with which he is endowed are not in fact his own but are a trust from the Lord.
God has appointed him as His vicegerent giving him the power to use these objects for his benefit. And in this lies his test and trial. The final result of this test will not be declared in this world but only at the time when individuals and nations and, indeed, the whole of mankind shall have finished their career on the earth and the consequences and effects of their actions and strivings shall have become fully manifest. It is then that God will examine the account of each human being and will decide as to who has duly carried out the duties of His stewardship and who has not. And this examination will not be confined to any one thing or one department of life, but will cover the entire range of a person's individual and social conduct. It will be an examination of all the faculties of his mind and body which he has been endowed and also of every kind of authority and power over external objects which has been delegated to him.
This being man's real position in the world, it logically follows that he is not the master but the agent and the deputy. His power and authority are bound to be limited. Sovereignty belongs to God alone; man is His vicegerent and the only moral course open to him is to fulfill the task which the Sovereign has assigned to him. He is not totally free to determine his own behaviour. Man has no absolute right to determine the course of his own conduct. Man's job is to faithfully and scrupulously pursue the mission assigned to him. Creator is the law-giver; man has to act within that framework which the Sovereign has laid for him. Once this position is accepted and the nature of God-man relationship is clearly understood, all ethical questions which have been agitating the minds of philosophers from time immemorial, find appropriate solutions. These solutions are clear, precise and definite. And they are based on reality. They are universal and eternal."
Sebenarnya, dalam Islam, skop ibadah sangat luas, bukan hanya terhenti pada ibadah-ibadah wajib sahaja seperti yang difahami oleh ramai orang sekarang ini. Seluruh kehidupan kita adalah dalam rangka ibadah selagimana ianya menepati dua syarat iaitu niat ikhlas kerana Allah dan menepati syariat atau fiqh atau lebih tepat, seperti yang diajarkan oleh rasulullah saw. Manakala tugas khalifah pula adalah 'iqamatuddeen (menegakkan agama) dan siyasatuddunya (mentadbir alam) ini. Bagaimana hendak menegakkan agama? Menegakkan agama adalah dengan cara "mensyukuri" nikmat Islam yang telah dianugerahkan Allah kepada kita.
"Dan terhadap nikmat Tuhanmu, hendaklah engkau nyatakan (dengan bersyukur)"
(QS Adh-Dhuha:11)
(QS Adh-Dhuha:11)
Apakah nikmat-nikmat yang telah diberikan Allah kepada kita? Apakah nikmat yang paling besar yang Allah telah anugerahkan kepada kita? Adakah kita merasai akan nikmat yang terbesar itu? Adakah kita telah mensyukurinya? Bagaimana kita mensyukurinya? Adakah sekadar melafazkan "Alhamdulillah" itu sudah cukup bagi kita untuk mengatakan kita bersyukur? Semua persoalan ini akan di"critico-analysed" pada post berikutnya inshaAllah.
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